Our site will provide you with all you need to know about the therapies we offer and the vast array of issues for which we can provide powerful and effective help.
We share a desire to help people and this passion has led us to explore methods of personal development that are natural, quick and effective in making changes that last.
Some of the issues for which people seek help are: negative thought patterns, unwanted habits and other issues that inhibit our personal happiness, limiting fears of success and/or failure that block us from moving forward and self-sabotaging behaviour. These issues can affect our relationships, communication, work, self image, self confidence and enjoyment of life. Our methods focus on unblocking and releasing psychological restrictions, freeing you to realise your goals and ambitions, enabling you to enjoy a more fulfilling and happy life.
You can feel confident in seeking our professional help.
We have studied under, and have an ongoing relationship with, leaders in the field of personal development including Neuro Semantics: Dr. Michael Hall USA; NLP's Gary De Rodrigeuz and Brett Ellis from The Tad James Academy; and one of the world's foremost clinical Hypnotists, Australia's Dr. Rick Collingwood and Master Hypnotist, John Vernes.
We regularly travel interstate and internationally to learn the latest in coaching techniques, subconscious change work, mind dynamics and pattern-habit release methods. We assisted Jay Hedley and Joseph Scott's Assessing Personal Genius workshop (the Coaching Room, Sydney 2012), a course we highly regard. We are currently applying for Neuro Semantics Trainer's Training with Michael Hall in the USA.
We are pleased to service Willetton, Fremantle, Melville, Applecross, Gosnells, Cannington, Success, Thornlie, Canning Vale, Armadale, Byford, Leeming, Winthrop, Murdoch, Victoria Park, South Perth, and surrounding areas across Perth WA.
If you are ready to make changes and are looking for help - call us. We are here for you.
Marie 0411 515 802 Ross 0409 844 314 6252 0931